Sunday, December 09, 2007

Colored Lights

Season 7
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: These characters belong to the CW and DC Comics, not to me.

She bends over the present he just handed her, smiling as she rips the gold foil paper. He watches her, somehow unable to look away from her, and admires the way her hair, every bit as gold as the paper, glints in the multicolored light shining from the Christmas tree.

He thinks that her effect on his life is a lot like the lights on the tree. Without her, his life would be colorless, black and white and gray. Without her, his life would be dusk instead of daylight.

But her smile lights his days when he visits her at the Daily Planet, and the sound of her voice lights up his nights when he calls her before bed. Laughing with her, joking with her, talking with her, brightens the shadows in the dark corners of his life and fills them with rainbows.

Without her, he'd be a tree sitting alone in the forest, unadorned and lonesome.

But this Christmas morning, he's not lonesome, not at all. Because she's sitting beside him on the couch, giggling as she opens the box and finds a stuffed bear wearing a miniature Daily Planet t-shirt.

And as she leans over and gives him a warm, friendly hug, he doesn't feel like a fir alone in the dark, shadowed woods. He feels like a Christmas tree, dripping in tinsel and glittering with brightly hued lights.

Chloe Sullivan fills his life with color.

-The End-


Robyn said...

Awww how cute! I want one of those bears now, I really really do! ;)

You make my Christmas so Chlarky and bright!

Anonymous said...

very cute. and i definitely love your x'mas blog; very festive.

now, i'm off to read more of your lovely fic.

thanks for keeping up with your stories =)!!!! trust me, totally appreciate it.


blackheart_me said...

AWWW ELLY!!!THIS WAS SO CUTE!! Amazing how short it is but very very touching. I loved all the words you used to describe the feelings Chloe made him feel and the present was adorable too.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, that was so adorably sweet Elly! You packed a lot of punch in such a short story. And this:

"He thinks that her effect on his life is a lot like the lights on the tree. Without her, his life would be colorless, black and white and gray. Without her, his life would be dusk instead of daylight."

Is just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Awe soooo sweet great metaphors!

dh1031 said...

Beautiful imagery!! :)