Thursday, May 04, 2006

After the Rush, Chapter 2

Clark, Chloe, Pete friendship
Season 2, after "Rush"
Rating: PG
2200 words
Disclaimer: These characters belong to the CW and DC Comics, not to me.

To: csullivan@thetorch
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
Look, Chloe, I’m really sorry. I didn't mean for anything to happen between us, and I definitely didn't mean to hurt Lana. Things just got kind of out of hand.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: csullivan@the torch
Out of hand?? I may not remember what happened, but I remember our conversation before we went over to the cave. You *knew* there was something wrong with Pete, and I’m sure you figured out something was wrong with me, too. You took advantage of me, Clark. How could you do that to me? For that matter, how could you do it to Lana?

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
Chloe is not happy with me.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
Pretty mad, huh?

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
I think she’s beyond mad and into murderous. Now I wish I hadn’t told everyone I didn’t have the parasite, because it would have been a good excuse. I really don’t have a clue what to tell her. I think she’s going to kill me no matter what I say.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
Well, at least you got to make out with her before you died. That’d be worth dying for.

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
The thing is, I don’t want Chloe. I want Lana.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
You sure that's what you want, man?

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
Course I'm sure. At least I think I'm sure.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
Yeah, you sound really sure *rolls eyes*. Tell me something. What was it like kissing Chloe? I bet it was pretty hot.

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
I am not having this discussion, Pete. I’m already in deep enough trouble as is. And if you're that interested in Chloe, why didn't YOU kiss her?

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
I don't know. I guess I'm too much of a chicken to go for it, even when I'm half out of my head with adrenaline. And that's pretty damn sad, when I think about it.

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
Don't worry about it, buddy. You wouldn't remember it anyway.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
True. But YOU remember it, right? So just tell me this. Was kissing Chlo hotter than kissing Lana?

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
Knock it off, Pete. It’s not a fair comparison, and you know it. Chloe was on an adrenaline high. Naturally she was kind of... worked up.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
Ah-ha. So she was hotter. I knew it.

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
Shut the hell up. You’ve already gotten me in enough trouble. And how the hell am I supposed to write my papers now?

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: peteross@usaol
Hard to concentrate on Charles Dickens when you’re thinking about kissing Chloe, isn’t it?

To: peteross@usaol
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce

To: csullivan@thetorch
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
Look, Chloe, I screwed up. I know it. Please don’t hate me. Okay?

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: csullivan@the torch
I don’t hate you.

To: csullivan@thetorch
From: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
That’s good.

To: clarkkent@kentfarmproduce
From: csullivan@the torch
I loathe you.

Read Chapter 3 here.


blackheart_me said...

O my God I can't even hold my laughter in THIS IS HILARIOUS! love how Chloe redeemed(sp) herself and also i feel that Pete is soo cute here haha ^_^ I bet Chloe is better than Lana but who knows.

DeeDee said...

Poor Clark! He's really in for it when Chloe gets hold of him!

Love the e-mail format. Brilliant!
